Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

So here is my list for the new Year. The goals I would love to see accomplished for 2012.

#1. Personal goals - this year I need to take more time to focus on myself, my health, and the important relationships around me. This goal include things like loosing the baby weight (once #4 is here!), making needed Dr  appointments that I have been lax about, and getting back into the playdate routine for the kids (and me, I need my mommy friends!)

#2. Blog Goals - I love reading blogs and seeing the progress of others. I need to get that same kind of motivation. This blog is for me. It is here to put down the life events and projects that happen along the way. I have a goal to post at least once a week here. Even if it is just a quick recap of the week. I don't have to have a picture with every post, or even a large wordy novel. I want to make it easy and fun.

#3. Budget Goals - this is a big one for me. I need to get back with the watching the $ program. I am going to start slow. And hopefully make steady progress over the year.

#4. Project Goals - finish the projects I have started, bought supplies for, and am thinking about. My big goal this year is to undertake my master bedroom and closet. After finishing the few things already on the to-do list of course. With a new baby on the way in May I hope to have completed the bedroom and be able to move on to other things... Like...

#5. Organization Goals - I actually started this before the new Year. It gave me some motivation to get back on track. I am determined to get my house cleaned up enough that I can park the van, drumroll please.... In. The. Garage. There will be a lot of letting go and purging to get to that point. I am going to have to take before and after pictures of the entire house. It is that bad. But we have come farther than last year so I am pretty confident We will at least make some progress towards this goal by August. After a few consignment sales and garage sales and Goodwill donation trips.

So that is my list. It isn't earth shattering and I have a ton of flexibility on some of these goals. Here's to a productive, Happy New YEAR.

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