Monday, April 23, 2012

I hope I am nesting

The cleaning bug hit this morning and I got a surprising amount done considering. Lets hopw this is that last nesting phase and I can get to welcoming the newest addition. On the down side Sebastian has Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease so our schedule has cleared up considerably. He has the bumps all over his hands and feet but I haven't noticed the mouth sores yet. I hope it is over by the weekend and no one else gets it.

Not much else in other news, except we are working, or rather trying to work on, character formation. Like listening when told something, and doing it when asked the first time. Not whining or complaining about having to "WORK." Can you tell we are still struggling with it? Just a quick update from me today. I totally forgot to buy something online today, and I have no idea what it was. My mental capacity astounds me at time.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Oh man has it gotten busy busy around here! I guess you can tell since I have slacked off on posting around here. Here is a recap of the last few weeks:

David has a business trip to OHIO. For a week. The girls missed him terribly and we got completely off any kind of schedule by being over at my moms house for most of that week. This has only proven to me that we will have to institute "summer hours" around here, and being doing more active things during the day. I missed David the most I think, it is hard doing everything all the time for three kids, they got a little nutty towards the end. Rose would cry "I want my Daddy" every time something did not go her way.

I had a birthday. I didn't get what I wanted, but surprise surprise. I was disappointed and I am really kind of mad about the entire situation. But I am trying to let it go, so that is all I am going to say on the subject. The girls were super cute they gave me a princess tea party with a crown and everything. They wrapped up toys for presents and made great fan fare presenting me with several birthday cakes. Which of course involved blowing out pretend candles after being sung Happy Birthday each time. :)

On the "get stuff done front" little has been accomplished. I still haven't painted and am dying to get a headboard and crib into our room for the baby. I did manage to find several baby items at the end of march that I was lacking, and I had a few custom new items made on Etsy. I will have to post pictures of that as well.

On the "having a baby front" I have been moved up to weekly and now bi-weekly appointments since I am considered high risk gestational diabetes. He is measuring 3 weeks ahead at 35 weeks and that means my chance of a c-section are going up by the day. I am hoping to avoid that but we will see. I am hoping I go into labor sometime this month... really my dr won't stop labor at any point now given his estimated size.

That is the quick recap. Trying to stay motivated to keep on trucking at this point, but I am horribly worn down from the kids and all the rest of the stuff I need to be doing around here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Madness

And not in a basketball way! Small tangent... we used to run the concessions stand for the basketball games in elementary school. We were there all Saturday and my brother played on a team. I am not good at basketball and to this day I can't sit through another game. But my volunteer spirit was worked on there, I just keep signing up to help out all the time with things!

On to our post... since it has been a few weeks. I am now on medication for Gestational Diabetes. This pregnancy has been harder on my body that the last three. Shocker. I think my numbers have been ok, but there is room for improvement. The biggest thing for me is that when I am all done with this baby and cleared for exercise we are going to have to incorporate it into every day of our lives. I don't care if the only thing we do is an evening family walk around the neighborhood or a two hour stint at the gym. I just need to get moving and show my kids that moving is good for everyone!

I am so tired. All night long I roll over ever hour on the hour. My hips are in so much pain. But if I end up on my back I end up with the worst pain. Thankfully hugging a pillow and having one between my knees at night helps me to not roll onto my back.

We are so. close. to finishing Sera's schoolwork for Kindergarten. We have a few religion lessons and are officially "done." I am really excited to start it up again next year, and plan on being much more relaxed about it than I was this year. I was invited to join a Catholic Unschoolers group on facebook and I am hoping to gain a lot of insight on how that works over the summer and try to incorporate that into our lives more.

Our Little Brother still needs a name. I am pushing for Simon. But David and I are still in negotiations and he might not be named until after birth like last time. I think David did a good job naming Sebastian. He might even be able to do a good job again. ;p

I have been in baby buying mode over here. Things that were on my to do list have slipped since I am so tired 80% of the time. I am focusing on keeping the areas I have cleaned up cleaned. I try to look for other ways to store something or think about if we can just do without it all together. There have been many trips to Goodwill and it has been freeing to see our house gain back space instead of being overly cluttered.

I also am going to the OB weekly for checkups on Little Brother's growth. We had an ultrasound last week at 32 weeks and he was measuring 34 weeks. Tomorrow I go in to get the heartbeat monitored and another ultrasound the next week to see if his growth is slowing down or not. He feels huge to me already, and I am just ready to hold this little boy. I don't want him to come too early but I don't think I am going to make it to my due date. Famous last words since Sebastian decided he wasn't ever coming out.

With my birthday coming up, the girls wanted to get me a present. I wrote down a wishlist of all the things I would love to get. They were all unrealistic and expensive. But that is what a wishlist is for right? The one thing I would love from that list? A New iPad. I have wanted once since they came out with the first, but now it looks like they have finally gotten it up to my standards for a tablet. It just seems like the absolute perfect thing to have in the hospital room. Small and easy to tuck away, not a crazy big laptop with huge power cord and mouse to be dragging all over the room. I drool over it... sad no? But the things I normally ask for are practical, new furniture or appliances, things everyone can use or that will better our lives in some way. I don't ask for jewelry or clothes or things we generally don't need. Do we need this? No. But could we use it? Oh yes! Mommy wants a fancy toy for once...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Gestational diabetes

I am super excited to be here for yet another three hour educational class. But I do it for my baby. The major change is that they also have an entire section on exercise and set goals for that as well as a meal plan. I know they have talked about it before but I don't remember them actually putting it in the plan. Interesting.

I am also here to get a new testing monitor. You take the class and they get you one that the insurance company will cover. That is worth it in my opinion. My poor children have no idea what will becoming in the next few weeks. When I eat, they will eat. What I eat, they will also eat. Maybe we will be on a better schedule for their food times when this is all said and done.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

No Spend Recap

I didn't do too bad. I failed on the eating out. I think being pregnant had something to do with that.

As far as not spending, I spent. I was weak. Nobody is perfect. This was a much better month for me spending wise so I feel like I have accomplished what I set out to do. I ended up visiting Walmart once, Staples for Martha Stewart labels (and I want to go back for more, curse that woman for making pretty office supplies!), and purchasing some spring/summer maternity clothes online at Old Navy.

The other stuff I spent on were things I had planned for. I got 99.9% of my consignment shopping done for about $120. That was a great deal for clothing for 4 kids. We also bit the bullet and purchased a new carseat while BRU was doing their trade in event. That was very worth it. AND my favorite purchase was the charcoal shorties I managed to get from Twee Baby this month. She will be doing a stocking again soon and I hope I can snag a medium pair too.

I have a No Spend Board on Pinterest that I think I am going to relabel, "Thinking of buying..." so that I keep doing that. It is seriously helpful. I would have forgotten about my perusing of the container store and all number of different things if the pictures weren't staring at me every time I went to add another thing! I highly recommend doing it this way. Keeps you more focus on priorities and less on the pretty.

The absolute biggest thing: I stayed out of TARGET! Seriously, I even sent David there for diapers instead of going and getting them myself. So even though my No Spend February didn't go exactly as planned I feel pretty good about limiting my purchases and being much more mindful about where my money was going.

So with that said. I am going to continue to try to not spend through March. I have been narrowing down my "Must Do" list and "Must Get" list so I am going to try to include my husband in all purchases. And keep that focus on my Lent list going, cause most of my top priorities are there.

Monday, February 27, 2012

My March plans

I am still in disbelief that February only has a few days left! So here is what I am planning for the month of March.
Paint master bedroom
Purchase from my no spend board on pinterest
Keep purging, purging, purging
Get even more organized
Try not to be a crazy pregnant lady (I feel this one will be hard)

I took my one hour glucose test this past Friday and I failed. Much worse than I have when I failed the last times. I was at 140 with Sera, I passed with Rose (still sure I developed it after 30 or so weeks), failed by like 150-155 with Sebastian, and got a whopping 190 this time around. I have been testing positive for sugar in my urine the last two times I have gone in so this wasn't a big surprise for me.

My iron was also low (I think an 8) so I am taking the girls flintstone vitamins that have iron. It never really gets all that high since I have thalessiema trait. Not super concerned about it but I know taking iron should help improve my energy levels. I also got the rhogam shot since I am rh-. It was a super fun visit let me tell you.

I go on Wednesday to take the 3 hour test and am hoping to fail the first two pricked so I can be out in an hour. You only have to fail twice to confirm you have it. Then I can get the gestational diabetes class over with. I am also going to have to start exercising, but I have a pregnancy DVD I should have been doing all along. So hopefully I can get some of this crazy weight gain down. I weigh so much right now I know I am well past a health gain for me.

So March will also be getting in shape for a better delivery and keeping my eating habits healthy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ash Wednesday

Oh Lent, how we dread your coming each year. The thought of giving something up that is favored and having to remember what days to fast and when not to eat meat. It is sad that people feel this way. We are learning that Lent is a penitential season, but it is also a time to refocus on our love of God. He did this amazing thing by dying and rising. Surely we can take the 40 "days" before the Easter season to truly remember and reflect on how our mortal souls have been saved by the greatest sacrifice known to man?

This year, being very pregnant. I am again pretty much not allowed to do most of the fasting and abstaining from meat. Not that I will be enjoying Steak dinners every Friday or anything. But if I accidentally forget I won't feel so bad that I fed my kids nuggets and enjoyed a few myself. We are planning on taking the kids to a few Fish Frys at church and I already stocked up on fish sticks and beer battered fillets for easy Friday meals.

So instead of focusing on the giving up, I am going to instead do more. I have a lenten reflections book to read each day(and one for the kids somewhere around the house, I am in the process of scouring for it.) and I am going to make praying with my Husband a priority. Kind of important no?

I am also going to be focusing on getting the house cleaner (since I am already in that mode) and to let go of more things. I don't want to feel as if we are drowning in "stuff." I want us to feel like this is our home and not the house that is overloaded with people and the things we bring in it. The focus will be in our Master bedroom, which has come a long way and still has so far to go. But I am hoping a little paint and a real headboard will get us to the point where 99% of the house feels like it is "ours" and we are not just living here for a bit of time. David doesn't understand this about me, but I went to college for Interior Design and living here the past 5+ years with someone elses paint colors on the walls (even if they were ones I could live with for awhile) just drives me batty!

I am also focusing on getting everything ready for the baby. We still need a crib and mattress and to get all the "baby gear" out and prepped and ready. I am going to be going consignment shopping this weekend and hope to fill out a bit of the summer newborn/3 month wardrobe for the little guy and maybe find some other little things for a good price. We got the new infant car seat this Monday at the BRU trade in event. So we can at least bring our baby home, to sleep in the bassinet if we are still deciding on the crib!

So my Lenten To-Do list is:
  • Do More, read my reflections book and make praying with David a priority
  • Keep purging and reorganizing to make the house work for us
  • Paint Master Bedroom
  • Purchase a headboard for our bed
  • Prep baby things
  • Decide on (and hopefully purchase) a crib and mattress
Hopefully all of these things will be crossed off and I can call this season a successful one. I pray your Lent goes just as well.