Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de what?

Happy Not-Relevant-Super-Convenient-Excuse-To-Party-Before-Friday Day! Sorry, I have no Mexican heritage in me.  I don't like Mexican food (except for what the Sisters in the convent I did two mission trips to served) and am not really about celebrating holidays that the country in question doesn't celebrate either... Do they celebrate it? I didn't think so, but correct me if I am wrong. Drinko-de-Mayo is another affectionate term I have heard of the occasion.

Not trying to be cynical or anything, more sarcasm. You can celebrate any day you want. I just love holidays that are we created it just because... not. But on the bright side, I have a good excuse to go out to dinner tonight with the kids. We are having a Mommy Dinner Date Night. Sure to be fun with a 4.5, 3 and 20 month old in tow. I'll take some phone pictures since I can not find my camera still.

Then tonight I have to buckle down and get started on my bible study homework! After a VBS meeting!!! YAY me!

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