Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My camera

it is, missing. I have not a single clue as to where to even start looking for it. I have an itch to buy a DSLR to learn to take real proper photos. I think for now I am going to have to settle for my itty bitty point and shoot. Once I find him again. It is the perfect keep-it-in-the-bag-for-those-unexpected-moments camera. But I am feeling the urge to get nice beefy crisp pictures. Ones that really just make you take in the moment a little more.

Of course, I think that main draw right now is that I want pretty "In Progress" pictures to share with the world. Nothing is "Finished" yet, but it has come a ways since I started updating a few things. I want the motivation to keep on improving things around here. It makes me crazy to see walls that haven't been painted by me and spaces that are reminiscent of the previous owners. David can live in a white box, and has most of his life. Huge difference between my husband and I. I dreamed up a million different floor plans, moved my furniture around all the time, it is something I am always thinking about.

My other big thing right now is getting things "under control" and "organized." Seriously, I feel like I am in a disaster zone 99.9% of the time in my house. We have just never settled on where things go. Which is 99.9% of the problem. No home for it? Stick it here. Don't know where it should be? I will just leave it right here. My kids deserve better than that, and I deserve better than that. We are all a part of the problem, but I seem to be the only one trying to make a solution. Thus is the job of a mother. Baby steps I tell myself. We are working on making the beds in the morning. Like when we get up. So far I am the only one who does it, but if I get them doing that one thing I can get them to help with just about anything else.

Baby steps... 

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